
Saturday, June 30, 2012


Credit to BADAM, IPG DaTo Rahim Razali
Sesungguhnya, seorang Muslimah yang baik itu tidak memandang dan tidak dipandang. Ikhtilatnya terjaga. Akhlaknya terpelihara. Lisannya hanya menutur yang perlu disampaikan, namanya diangkat mulia. Meski petah berhujah mempertahankan yang hak, harga diri tidak sesekali diijak-injak. Ya Allah, itulah matlamat yang sedang cuba utk saya capai. Semoga Allah memperkuatkan hati dan diri ini. Pernah sekali, terbaca di status Facebook seorang rakan, adalah menjadi satu keaiban seorang Muslimah menjadi bahan fitnah, apatah lagi fitnah ke atas lelaki yang soleh. Masha Allah, kata-kata yang sangat sampai ke hati. Semoga Allah mengampuni segala dosa-dosa, jika sebelum ini pernah tergelincir dalam soal ikhtilat. Jika sebelum ini pernah 'terfitnah' tanpa sedar. Jika sebelum ini, syaitan mengaburi mata sehingga sehingga yang salah nampak benar, yang haram nampak halal. Alangkah pedih azabnya nanti, Nauzubillah! Dan sangat benarlah kata-kata  'Aku mencintai orang-orang soleh, walaupun aku bukan sebahagian daripada mereka. Dan aku sangat membenci pelaku maksiat, walaupun sebenarnya aku sebahagian daripada mereka'. Terlalu banyak silap sebelum ini, mujurlah Allah mengetuk pintu hati, agar mata ini mampu terlihat yang baik dan buruk, hati pula mampu menilai yang mana halal dan haram. Semoga Allah beri kekuatan untuk istiqomah dalam soal memelihara hati, menjaga ikhtilat serta menghindarkan diri dari perkara zina dan maksiat.

JOM sama sama jaga HATI!

Friday, June 29, 2012

I also got 'Bulatan Gembira'..!

I noe this term, 'Bulatan Gembira' from a blog entitle Angel Pakai Gucci hoho i like! very like it. Dan cerita tentang BG ini, amat sinonim dgn kaki-kaki surau.. org2 yang biasa g surau.. [ pada kebiasaannya tapi enggak juga ya ] Hurm, well proud to say this, i aso got! hihi Sebenarnya dah lama nak join, tapi segan dan tak tahu starting point nya di mana ya =.=?? Sampai la semester lepas, kak Qila bagi kekuatan utk join. Kak Qila merupakan ketua naqibah dy UMT. Ha, the big boss. Beliaula sangat2 galakkan & kak Qila tersangat lah baek orang nya =D Jadi sy ajak sorg lg kwn, Myra untuk join, sbb rasa x kuat lagi utk buat apa2 tanpa sorg kawan hoho then sy join. And i was, i am till now really happy! 

Perjumpaan demi perjumpaan, menemukan sy dgn naqibah yg merupakan sahabat seperjuangan sy dlm MKK ( Majlis Kolej Kediaman UMT ) ; Aisyah dan juga sahabat2 usrah yg lain iaitu Myra herself, junior2 kos pun ada, budak kos lain pun ada. Oleh sbb baru hari ini, saat ini ad niat nak bercerita pasal BG, jadi ad jugak nama yg dah lupe hihi ~_~ Yang masih segar bugar dalam ingatan, Kak Ana, Fifah, Umi, Sakinah etc hoho Mereka suma baek2 :) Setiap kali usrah, akn ada satu attendance yg perlu ditanda. Dan sebenarnya, attendance sy byk jugak 'O'  berbanding sahabat2 yang lain ( Dalam 2-3 kali jep ) Errr =,=''

Bila berada dalam BG, its a different feeling. Its like, there is a weird strength. Hurm Walaupun org dalam bulatan tu, kita x kenal, kita x rapat, but its like we are having a very much safer, comfortable zone to share, to speak out, to get along with each others. Ya! Seriously! And satu lagi, bila usrah, tiba2 jadi budak baik. hihi :p Bukan hipokrit atau berpura-pura. But, how to say this. Bila kita berda di kalangan orang2 yang baik, secara tak lansung kita akan terdorong utk menjadi baek. Dalam Islam pun kita ditarbiyah sebegitu utk jadi baek, utk melaksana perintah agama. Konsep yang bermula dari 'CUBA BUAT' dan akhir nya hikmah setiap sesuatu itu akan sampai di hati kita. Whoaa! Another point is, Ought for you to noe, those are not friends in the circle, but they are SISTERS, truly sisters. You will feel like they are someone close to you  =)

I still remember one day, BG diadakan di kawasan kompleks sukan, pada waktu malam time tu. Topik nya 'AMAR MAKRUF NAHI MUNGKAR'. Semua orang cakap, bagi pendapat. Sebenarnya, isu ini biasa diperkatakan. Tapi bila ad perkongsian dalam BG nih, ad bacaan ayat Al Quran dari sahabat2, its sumthing like.. awakening! Mengigatkan balik, a reminder. Jadi hati yang terlelap ini 'TERKEJUT', 'TERSETOK' kembali dari mimpi yang x habis2 hanyut dgn dunia tuh. Hoh~ Tambahan lagi bila ad sahabat yg berkebolehan utk sampaikan point secara berhikmah, jadi ia betul2 sampai ke hati, jiwa nurani yg mendengarnya. Yeah! I like! At least, setidak-tidak nya seharian sibuk dgn kuliah, assignment, discussion etc, ad sedikit vitamin (walaupun bukan 'NASIK') untuk rohani dalaman yang LAPOR nih, ye dak? Hoho 

Cuma, saya sendiri terkilan bila x dapat full attendance utk BG sy. Mungkin kerana sibuk, kekangan masa dan sebagainya. ='( Dan kadang-kadang ad jga BG dicadangkan utk buat di pantai, kedai makan etc utk santai2 sesama sahabat usrah. Kebanyakannya, sy x dapat hadir. Sangat bizi. Dan tatawla, kdg2 penat. Hurm. Natijahnya, there was one day event utk semua kumpulan2 usrah di surau Al Irfan, ada makan2, sesi santai2 dn sebagai nya. i was there at that time, ( act i forgot ) my BG members were there, tapi.. x tahu kenapa.. i had no strength to say Hi or what for them. Sy rasa malu nk tegur. Sy rasa x layak, dan bukan sebahagian dr mereka. Mereka kebanyakannya bertudung labuh, sangat akrab sesama mereka, and me, i was like foreigner. HOHO And maybe they didnt notice me, as they were enjoying themselves talking to one another. Sokay! I didnt mind that. Bersangka baik, apatah lagi pada orang-orang yang baik. Emm cuma, sy terpikir, maybe its my fault not really get along with them together well, x dtg usrah byk kali sbb x sempat dan sebagainya. Jadi, not so familiar to be apart from them. huhu Pengajaran utk diri yang sentiasa buat silap ini. Pd masa tu, sy pun ad discussion to attend, jd sy pun mengundur diri dari situ. Ohoo~ :O 

I wan to conclude all here. Reminder for me and for all. You must have a 'Bulatan Gembira' yokay? Because ( berdasarkan pengalaman saya ) HOHO :

(1) Buat kita terdorong utk jadi baek secara lansung & tak lansung :D
(2) Dekatkan kita dgn kawan2 yang baik insha Allah!
(3) Rasa tak sorang2 dalam perjuangan AGAMA. Hiyarkk!
(4) Reminder to remind. Mostly topik BG adalah utk reminder diri!
(5) Bagi kita pemahaman tntg suatu yg kita x faham 
hikmah di sebalik sumthing (Err, paham ke ni hoho)
(6) A space utk berinteraksi, sharing prob. 
Dan biasanya sahabat yg baik akan bg nasihat yg baik utk kita. 
(7) Bagi kita ketenangan, terasa keberkatan nya 'LAIN MACAM' 
bila hati terpaut atas nama 'Ukhwah fillah'

Okay! Till then, assalamualaikum! 

The Happy Day Hohoho

Setelah bertahun-tahun tak sambut birthday, tahun ni, yg ke 21 ada! hoho With my best buddies, aka my coursemate, Cat and Myra. They did suprise me. After class they brought me to Secrete Recipe and shoe hunting, as they said my sandal oredy got 'big mouth' =,='' Err Ok fine. Huhu No much words to say. I ll let the pic tell the stories. Saya rasa bersyukur kerana dpt merasai kegembiraan ini dgn kwn2 saya. Walaupun kami selalu bergaduh, tentang sebesar2 hal hinggalah ke sekecil2 hal, bermasam muka kadang2, gadoh2 pasal esaimen, but then they are really friends. Really appreciate this moment! May this friendship remains :D

Thank you Nurhanis Hamizan :]

I had received a lovely text from one of my best friend, a.k.a my used-to-be-roomate Nurhanis Hamizan. It was dated long time ago, but only today i noticed it in my Spambox messages. And she did say :

Duhai wanita, andai hidup tak dihadiri lelaki, 
tidak bermaksud diri tak diingini. 
Usah khuatir kerana cinta Allah itu pasti. 
Allah memelihara hati dan jiwa daripada dikecewakan 
dan didatangi penyakit riak.
 Wanita yang sentiasa menjadi dambaan lelaki 
adalah wanita yang longgar jagaannya oleh Allah,
 atau Allah sedang mengujinya dgn penyakit hati. 
Dekatkan diri pada Illahi, pasti cinta kau temui. 
Usah berharap pada insan yang kau sendiri tak pasti.
Diamkan lelaki yang kau sukai, berdoalah pada Illahi 
insha Allah kau pasti dicari. Dan Allah pasti menjagamu.

How much i love this, thank you dear sis! May Allah keep us in right track always. Love u for Allah sake. Ukhwah fillah! :]

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Gotong royong & Hupdate BLOG!

Wah! Akhirnya berjaya juga misi 'gotong royong' blog! haa dah lama nak buat sebenarnya sebab rasa mcm dah tiba masanya buang @ delete post2 yang sedih, pengalaman2 tension sebelum ni. You know, why must we keep that instead of just keeping happy memories to be linger with? right. Let the 'dark ages' blow by the wind, and these presious one, i wan keep it tightly. Haa sebelum ni there s around 50 entry that i had post in here. Erm, mostly pasal pengalaman, sepanjang semester, kisah masak-masak, kisah sedih2 (tapi tataw nak bgtahu sape, sbb tu taep2, post pastu bace sendiri) em how pathetic is nt. Jadi! sy nak ubah semua tu. Haa semua post2 yg x motivating tu i delete. hoho Cuma simpan yang seronak seronak jah utk ditatapi pd masa akan datang. Yeay! Start it over all again, walaupun nampak kosong jah blog ni, tapi tape. hihi =) 

Hurm, btw hari ni, hari LI yang ke 4. Not much things to do. And actually i can say nothing to do =,='' Datang awal dgn penuh semangat waa tapi tade field trip hari ni. Erm cuma ad sesi dgn Ayoh Wan, pegawai veterinar and at the same time he owns a very huge goat farm. The session took oni around 1 hour, and he really inspired me a lot! Believe it or not from 50 over milky goats that he owns, he cud earn almost rm300 per day (n not included his income as an veterinar officer) I was like, WOW! See, Allah could give any good thing in way that we couldnt ever expect right? He used to graduated in veterinary course and applied all wat he had learnt in organizing his goats. He sells milk from his goats everyday, and according to him every day he cud get 10-15kg of milk, which he sell rm5/500g each in mineral bottle like. Hohoho $$$ :O 

So, itu sahaja hari ini. Sy gembira dgn wajah baru blog sy! :D it took two hours of me to produce this at last huh. Sampai tak terbuat catatan log utk hari ni lagi erghh To do list tak terlaksana ag HOH Tengokla, ni dah pukul 12.45 pg. See if my eyes still could hold it. Buat kerja sambil layan lagu2 Bollywood feveret hihi Percaya x, i hear this song almost every night, x tahu kenapa but i really like it --> Geena sirf mere liye <-- hoho and i am listening to it now hoho till then Assalamualaikum! :D

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fall for Industrial Practical :D

Chances to use the knowledge that we had gained. Ya, that is industrial practical. right after the very end of my fourth semester, all my cosmate plus me had to persue our industrial practical, well its an option basically. By the way,  i ve got myself a chance to do my practical in Veterinar Department in Kuala Terengganu. Well spotted, its just located beyond the road of my granny house. Brilliant, huh? Ngeh3 To have this 2 months period is great! we ourselves enjoying ourselves in a real world of doing things, instead of theory based memorizing, who got the BEST BRAIN will score BEST, here you go 4 point O ergh! But this is, nope, far more interesting to have, precious experience to gain :D i love it. Well its oredy 3 days. huhu 

The first day. There r 3 of us, UMT behalver hoho me, akma and kin. Short minutes, n we get along together very well then hoho We just being introduced to some small units in here, clinics, stocks medical things, laboratory works and so on. We were brought to the medicine place and introduced to thousands of medicines thing to animal. Interesting! There were also sum stuff, which got to do some medical treatment for stocks. Here, the staff are friendly, and must i say here is very warm welcoming us here =) I aso realize sumthing. To have self respect for the others. These people are nice, n at the same time very well acknowledge, educated of what they are doing. Extra lesson that i had got -> we must not only see, have respect for great people, dr people, rich people. No no no. Everyone has own ability of doing thing and know a thing. Its not only Professor with high income noe Salmonella, but a veterinar officer with far lower income also a friend of it. 

Second day was far better. We went to a goat farm. Sampling their blood and shit. ergh! And we did give it a try. ohoho Great! but i never do the sampling of the shit. can u imagine, grab those fresh made shit in the rectum itself, pushing ur hand iside and grab it. huhu my friends did that and they had fun. =.='' I oni took the blood by using the syringe and vacume tube. Wicked feel i had hoho Its trully amaazing to have this much real experience. after that we took those samples to the lab and do sum test. They called it, Rose Bengala Test, as an indicator if there is a disease, named Brucella melitensis (reproduction system disease in goat ) in those blood and shit. Ya, much alike what i had learnt in school of UMT. If there is, we are allowed to slaughter the goat and as for u to noe, the meat are no longer edible. You eat it, and it might harm you, the worst case, can cause infertility in human. Erm, around 5, we went back home. Ergh what a day! 

And today, the third day. We did duck sampling. Took the blood and shit, again. But this is much difficult. And the smell... i almost faint, pui HOH but we did it : yeay! And another yeay for a permission of going back home at 1 p.m :D Ngeh3. Hoo Really need suffient sleep and enough rest. Full of fatigue. May Allah give me strength for another 55 days. :O Till then.